Cold Veggie Pizza w/ Whipped Feta Sauce

This pizza is a nice change to the hot pizza we are accustomed to. It can be a perfect dinner on hot summer days, or even a healthy choice for those other months of the year. It is easy to make and refrigerate for later.

I start with a gluten free crust I make myself, but you can use a pre-made crust too.

Crust ingredients:

1 box all purpose Chebe mix

1/2 cup Gluten Free Bisquick

2 eggs

3 Tbsp oil

6 Tbsp warm water

-Mix all ingredients and knead lightly, until they are all incorporated together. DO NOT over knead.

-Roll out to a 12 inch circle and poke with a fork all around. (see below)

-Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.



While that is baking, make the Whipped Feta sauce. (this recipe can be used a a dip too)

4 oz. feta cheese

4 oz. Greek yogurt.

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp cut chives

Blend well, until mostly creamy then stir in chives. Put in refrigerator.


By this time the crust should be ready to come out of the oven; let it cool completely.

While it is cooling you can cut the vegetables.

I CHEATED! The salad bar at the store had, broccoli, red peppers, shredded carrots, olives, and tomatoes for $4.99 a pound, and I didn’t need much of each. A half a pound of veggies is perfect. I added a cup of shredded mozzarella to that for the toppings.

I cut the tomatoes in half, and cut the florets off of the broccoli, that’s it. Put it in a bowl and toss.



Once cooled, spread the whipped feta sauce on the crust.


Then, just pour the veggies and mozzarella cheese mixture over the sauce and gently press the vegetables in.


Eat now, or put it in the refrigerator for later.



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