Cold Smoked Gouda (Cheese) Pizza

​I love SMOKED GOUDA CHEESE on everything, including cold pizza. Again, I start with a gluten free crust I make myself, but you can use a pre-made crust too. Crust ingredients: 1 box all purpose Chebe mix (@chebe_bread) 1/2 cup Gluten Free Bisquick (@bisquick) 2 eggs 3 Tbsp oil 6 Tbsp warm water -Mix all … More Cold Smoked Gouda (Cheese) Pizza

Dining Room Table Tacos (Street Tacos at home)

These soft corn shell tacos are delicious, simple, and easy to handle. Serves 6 Ingredients: 2 pounds ground beef/chuck/sirloin/chicken/meat/tofu. SEASONING MIXTURE: 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon onion powder 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon blackpepper 1/2 teaspoon salt Brown the meat and … More Dining Room Table Tacos (Street Tacos at home)

Lemon Herb Fish Making fish is easy. Today I simply baked FISH with LEMON and HERBS. I served it with GARLIC MASHED POTATOES. (Will post recipe later) Lemon Herb Fish Serves 6-8 Ingredients: 4 pounds of Cod (or other fish) 2 Lemons, sliced thin Sprig of rosemary, chopped 5 to 7 basil leaves, chopped 1 tbsp chili … More Lemon Herb Fish

Taco Salad

This plate of deliciousness was made with the leftover pork roast from last night. I also used lettuce from my backyard. I planted a bunch, thinking if only a few seeds grow, I’ll be happy. They all grew! In the crock-pot, I added a packet of Trader Joe’s taco seasoning, a bit of water, reheated … More Taco Salad